Procrastination is a challenge for each one of us. At some point of our lives we all fall victim to it. Basically procrastination is delaying or postponing something. This issue is so lasting, it has been going on for a long time. No matter what procrastination always hits us hard, nothing can be more unsatisfactory than delaying the things that need to get done.
How procrastination affects our lives?
Always referring to “later”, “someday”, “Afterwards” has always been the greatest threat to our growth and productivity. We always wait for the last moment to get the things done, why stalling when we only have to do it. It is a serious problem which needs to be fixed somehow.
For as long as we all have been living, we are struggling with avoiding and delaying things and issues. Procrastination starts when we all wake up from our beds. So, basically before starting the day, when we decide to wake up early in the morning. But when the time comes we delay by thinking we would get up after 5 mins or 10 mins. And like this we almost waste an hour. We all know that for a better tomorrow a lot of hard work is required. There are so many tasks or work to complete right now, on time. There is never a good reason to wait till the last moment. It will only make us regret things.
Procrastination is the termination of all our aspirations. Being influenced by it, we create a conflict in our lives by wasting our potential which leads to disappointments.
It is a question for our ability, and reflects our incapability to manage things and do what we decide. It is all because of not being serious, taking things for granted and always revolving around negative thoughts. It can stop our progress and make us demotivated.
The main reason for this is being distracted by little things, and just thinking we will do it later. We can never put ourselves on DND mode, so procrastination can hit us anytime.
How to overcome procrastination?
We should appreciate and reward ourselves for taking actions on the things we decided to do after completing it. By building a concept in our mind that we only have to do it, so why wait for tomorrow, it will take the same amount of time and same amount of energy. Rather than waiting for the last moment, let’s complete our tasks on time.
There is no need to increase the workload of a big task and complete it today. Plan, decide and break the tasks into part. It is always better to start with something, and with time the habit will become a part of our lives.
Create notes for yourself, write down what your plans are, what you want to do. Assign the time period for each plan. And follow your routing according to that. But you better start doing it. As time does not wait for anyone. All the people in this world whom we see as successful personalities have somewhere, someday started from zero. The only thing they had was potential and consistency. So, we always have to start walking if we want to reach somewhere.
Follow the below points to overcome it easily-
- START : To reach somewhere you need to start, so start taking actions on your ideas and words.
- REMINDER : set a reminder for yourself that reminds you of the tasks that need to be completed.
- ROUTINE : Make a routine and regularly practise for sticking to the routine.
- PLAN : Have a plan on how you are going to complete anything.
- APPRECIATE : Always reward and appreciate yourself for achieving your goal, be it a big one or small.
It’s time for all of us to avoid the laziness from our lives and work on our actions.
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