These Tiring Days

There are so many days when we get tired, tired of everything. It is hard to continue living like this, we all have problems and it is sad but if we remain like this then we can even go into depression which will make our condition even worse. I am saying this as it is important for us to be aware of all the facts, if we enter the depressing phase our health will start to deteriorate.

These Tiring Days

There are so many days when we get tired, tired of everything. It is hard to continue living like this, we all have problems and it is sad but if we remain like this then we can even go into depression which will make our condition even worse. I am saying this as we need to be aware of all the facts, if we enter the depressing phase our health will start to deteriorate.
There are so many ways to get out of this phase if we don’t want our life to be tiring.

Right now our life might be like a hell for us. But do we remember that in our past when things were going right and we were happy?

Recall what we were then and what we are now as in our personality, our liking, our passion, things that made us happy then, can be small things. By doing this we can see how we were when we were normal and how we are now when we are sad. Every person has a personality when they are happy or sad, normal.
We have to feel good from the inside if we want to do something good but sometimes it is the most difficult thing to do.
Life has become so boring nowadays that even on weekends it doesn’t matter how many hours I will sleep because I still wake up feeling tired every morning. Sometimes mentally exhausted. It seems like nothing can cure it.
It is always tiring to repeat the same routine every day. I know what is going to happen the next day because my world has become “predictable”. Waking up, using my phone than going to work, again scrolling my social media accounts, what next …..
Again I fall asleep.

The thing that bothers me the most is to talk to people, no matter how close they all are, even if they are my family members because the conversations are all the same. Sometimes, it feels like the days on the calendar are falling away without any time passing.
I keep forcing myself to remain positive because there is still so much in this world to explore. Need to be more optimistic to see a positive change in my life. I am not sure what step should be the next one, feels like I am lost……..

But someday I know these tiring days will also pass by, happiness will be at my doorstep. If I want to enjoy my life then I’ll have to learn the basic rules that can change my vision to enjoy life every time. I will for sure wake myself up because I am so tired of sleeping with my open eyes.

I know these tiring days will soon pass by

My objective is to provide people with original, interesting, easy-to-read and friendly content. I like to write about the contents that are relatable for all my readers.I just wish that my readers will understand the contents because I write what my heart speaks and it helps me to understand myself in a better way, I write what I feel and it has helped me a lot. My life really changed that day when I wrote the first note about the thought in my mind and that made me realize what kind of person I am. After that when I was sad, I wrote my second note that was all about motivating myself. It made me realize that I don't need other's to be happy, I will always be happy if I make up my mind to be. Third note was when I wrote my first poem, after that I got to know that I love to write, I don't know whether I am a good writer or not , I will never stop writing.
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